Technical descriptions and information about widgets and app settings.
Global objects like Appsmith object, Console object, and Query object enable users to execute database queries, share data between pages using parameters, gather information about the application's current state, and facilitate code debugging.
The Appsmith framework allows triggering actions for widget events and inside JS Objects. There are functions to navigate to another page, show alert messages, open/close modals, and store data in local storage.
Built-in JavaScript libraries provide a comprehensive array of capabilities for common tasks such as data manipulation, numeric operations, date and time handling, and more. These libraries can be accessed and used without the need for any additional installations or setup.
The Fetch API provides an interface for executing network calls programmatically. You can use fetch() to programmatically configure and execute a REST API.
The asynchronous function allows you to choose when you want to execute code. For example, you may want to delay the query execution or fetch the data on demand.